Six Reasons to Join a Life Group
Relationships: A life group gives you the opportunity to get to know people at a more intimate level. Sunday mornings are an awesome time to worship with the whole family of God, hear a sermon, engage in fellowship, but a life group gives you a chance to build deeper friendships.
Learning the Word of God: Sunday's sermon is a great time to get a broad teaching of the Word of God. However, life groups provide time for one on one discussion. Your group can provide a time to clarify answers to questions that you have about the Bible, Sunday's message, etc.
Place to invite friends: A life group is a natural place to invite friends and family. Sometimes people are more comfortable going to a life group then attending a Sunday morning service.
Place to pray and share your needs: A gathering of a few people is a natural environment for prayer. A big part of prayer is conversation with God and life groups provide the perfect environment for communing with God.
Engage in worship: Gathering in a life group allows you to experience worship at a very intimate level.
Follow the New Testament teachings: Acts 2:42-47 gives us a blueprint of what the early church was passionately committed to. The early Christ Followers gathered in homes, shared meals, read the Word, prayed, and worshiped. When you participate in a life group you are following the New Testament teaching.