In March of 2021, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church launched a three-year capital appeal “Now More Than Ever.”  This $1 Million appeal was for the purpose of building a new administrative Mission Center to not only replace the deteriorating Church Offices modular unit but to expand our ministry capacities.  We also committed to tithing a gift ($100,000) to the Lippmann Youth Shelter operated by Lutheran Services Florida.  Our world was just beginning to emerge from the Covid pandemic, and it was a bold move in such a time of uncertainty.


In characteristic form, HSLC rose to the challenge.  By January 2024, our goal was met, including our gift to Lutheran Services Florida.  However, the pandemic “moved the goal line” on us.  Increases in building materials and labor costs doubled during those three years, creating another $950,000 gap.  Our needs haven’t changed; if anything, they have increased the necessity for this new building.


We are extending our original capital campaign to meet this new gap.  Titled simply, “Now  … Again,” we are asking you to extend your campaign pledge an additional year.  If your original campaign pledge was $12,000 over three years ($4,000 each year), will you consider an additional $4,000 gift over the next year?  If your original pledge was $3,000 over three years, will you consider an additional $1,000 gift over the next year?  If you would like to pledge a gift greater than a one-year extension, we would be most grateful.  If you are new to this campaign, we are inviting you to join us in this project too.

The most visible result of this appeal will be a new Ministry Center.  Our current offices for our staff are not serving us well, and the Church Office modular unit is literally falling apart—it was intended to be a five-year solution nearly thirty years ago!  The new Ministry Center will provide centrally located offices for our staff, meeting rooms for our staff and lay leaders, dedicated space for music ministry, and additional meeting space for youth ministries.


Holy Spirit Lutheran Church has an Education Center and a Worship Center that support our congregation’s ministry. The addition of the Ministry Center will greatly enhance our campus.  We will have the facilities and tools we need to bear strong witness to Jesus for our members, friends and our entire community.


Your participation is crucial.  Members and friends of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church will have the opportunity to accomplish all of this through gifts given to the Now … Again capital appeal.  Our appeal will re-engage on Commitment Sunday, October 13.  You may bring your enclosed commitment card to worship that Sunday; or, you may mail your commitment card to the church office or drop it off at the church office any time before October 13.  If you prefer to complete your commitment online, you may do so below. Gifts can be made as a one-time gift or a weekly/monthly contribution beginning October 2024.


This appeal goal is reachable.  We are excited to announce that every member of HSLC’s council and other generous members have already made lead gifts totaling $440,000!  We are already over 46% of the way toward our goal! 

Click the Commitment Card to Print, Fill Out, and Return to Church

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