HSLC welcomes all students in 6th-12th grade to join us in our ministry for youth called Soulfire.

Soulfire meets weekly all year long for fellowship activities, service projects, Bible studies and special trips that are designed to develop relationships with each other and with God. We want to help all youth connect to this awesome ministry! Contact the church office to get involved!

Soulfire News

Mark Your Calendars!

Easter Egg Hunt is April 19!  SOULFIRE Volunteers are needed for set up, clean up, and fun activities with the kiddos!  8:30 -11:30 am


VBS week is June 9-13!  You can sign up today to volunteer!



SOULFIRE Sundays continue at 11:00 AM weekly.  We will meet every Sunday 11:00 - 12:30 AM, except during Christmas and Winter Break.  All students in 6th - 12th grade are welcome. Friends are always welcome! 


Confirmation is for students in 6th - 8th grade.
Class meets weekly on Mondays, 6:00-7:30 PM for 6th - 8th graders.


Class meets weekly on Wednesdays at 6:00-7:30 PM for students in 9th - 12th grades.

Weekly Soulfire Meetings

Soulfire has weekly meetings scheduled all year long! Weekend retreats, service projects, overnight trips and summer camp occur at special times throughout the year.  Check out our calendar below to see what events are coming up!

  • Soulfire Meetings

    All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to Soulfire Sundays, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM.  Each month we rotate through four themes: on campus activities, off campus activities, service projects, and mentorship. Our goal for our youth is to create a community of believers and help connect them to the greater church. We typically meet in Room 203 of the Learning Center. 

  • Middle School Youth

    Middle School Soulfire meets Monday nights in room 203 of the Learning Center from 6:00-7:30 PM.  Each week we begin with dinner, and then depending on the schedule, we will either sit down for class time or have a little more fun with our life application lessons. On Confirmation nights, our 6th, 7th & 8th graders will go to Confirmation class.

  • High School Youth

    This is a weekly Bible study every Wednesday during the school year from 6:00 to 8:00 PM in room 203 for high school students. Each week we spend time in fellowship with dinner and then dive into an open discussion on our current book of the Bible. We know high school can be tough, and we want you to know that you don't have to go through it alone. Wednesday nights are a great place to build friendships and become a part of our Soulfire community.  There's no out of class reading or prior knowledge needed, and you can jump in anytime!  We can’t wait to see you there!

  • Confirmation Class

    Our 2023-2024 Confirmation Class meets Monday nights during the school year in room 203 of the Learning Center from 6:00-7:30 PM. This is a three-year class and is a great place for students 6th grade and up to explore their faith.   If your student is in at least 6th grade and is not already a part of the Confirmation Class please contact the church office.

Soulfire Calendar