Now, more than ever, God’s Church needs to shine with the light and love of Jesus.  When Jesus’ disciples huddled together timidly that night of the resurrection (John 20:19-22), Jesus entered their hiding place, gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit, and sent them out to be bold ministers.  Holy Spirit Lutheran Church is a community of gathered disciples that boldly goes out, too, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit has been this kind of church in the past, and it will remain this kind of church in the future.


Right now, our bold outward step is to embark on a capital campaign that will raise $1,000,000 to build a new MINISTRY CENTER on our campus and also make a significant gift to LUTHERAN SERVICES FLORIDA to help at-risk homeless and runaway children.

Modeling “first fruits” generosity, we are excited to designate ten percent of our fundraising efforts outward to Lutheran Services Florida’s Lippman Youth Shelter, located in nearby Oakland Park. The Lippmann Center helps families torn apart by conflict by providing temporary shelter, counseling and consistent love and care to run away and troubled youth ages 10-17.  LSF has an estimated 98% success rate of youth returning home to their families. Our gift to the Lippman Center will provide for facility renovations and transportation upgrades.

Click here to learn more about the Lippman Center.

Our New Ministry Center Plans

The most visible result of this campaign will be a new MINISTRY CENTER.  Our current offices for our pastors and staff are not serving us well, and the Church Offices building is literally falling apart.  The new Ministry Center will provide centrally located offices for our pastors and staff, meeting rooms for our staff and lay leaders, a center for our online ministry, and a dedicated space for our choir. 



  • Lay leaders, ministry leaders, community leaders, staff and pastors will gather to pray, plan and strategize.
  • More people will hear about Jesus and experience the love of Jesus through our actions.
  • The ministry of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church will be deepened and broadened.


DIGITAL MINISTRY has become a critical piece of our outreach to homebound members, Palm Beach County, and beyond, and of our fellowship and educational ministries which keep us connecting with one another and growing in discipleship.   New funds will advance our ability to expand our digital ministry through additional space and staff designated for online ministry presence and content production.

Holy Spirit Lutheran Church has an Education Center and a Worship Center that support our congregation’s ministry. The addition of the Ministry Center will greatly enhance our campus.  We will have the facilities and tools we need to bear strong witness to Jesus for our members, friends and our entire community.

Here is an update from your Church Council President, John Vaccaro.


A Message from The Lippman Family Center


Members and friends of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church will have the opportunity to accomplish all of this through gifts given to the “Now More Than Ever” capital campaign. Through the month of March, you will have opportunity to learn more about what will be accomplished through “Now More Than Ever” and how you can participate. “Now More Than Ever” will culminate on Commitment Sunday, March 28. Gifts to the campaign can be given over three years, starting March, 2021, and ending March, 2024. 


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